Olomouc Asian Studies

Basic information

Olomouc Asian Studies (OLAS) is a publication series of the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc published by Palacký University Press that was formally established in 2022. The series specializes in topics in humanities and social sciences that concern Asian cultures and societies. All publications in the series are published as Open Access and Print on Demand. The main target audience for the series includes researchers and students of various Asian cultures and societies, as well as the interested public.

Our page on the Publisher's website is available here

Statute of the OLAS series is available for download here

Editorial board

The Editorial Board consists of at least seven members: the Head of the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, two employees of the Department – one of them acting as the Chair of the Editorial Board and the other as the Deputy Chair – appointed by the Head of the Department, and at least four other experts chosen by the Chair of the Editorial Board for any given year.

  • Chair of the Editorial Board: Mgr. Halina Zawiszová, Ph.D.
  • Deputy Chair: Martin Lavička, M.A., Ph.D.


Individual research monographs, as well as monographs by multiple authors, are the preferred format, but other texts, such as critical editions or edited collections of thematically related studies, including conference proceedings, are also within the scope of the series. 

All publications in the series are published as Open Access and Print on Demand. 

Publications published in the series so far include: 

  • Halina Zawiszová, Martin Lavička, eds. 2023. Voiced and Voiceless in Asia. Olomouc Asian Studies. Vol. 1. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc. Available here
  • Filip Kraus, Kateřina Šamajová, Renata Westlake, Blanka Ferklová, eds. 2024. Continuity and Change in Asia. Olomouc Asian Studies. Vol. 2. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc. Available here
  • Martin Lavička, Giorgio Strafella, Halina Zawiszová, eds. 2024 [forthcoming]. Embodied Entanglements: Gender, Identity, and the Corporeal in Asia. Olomouc Asian Studies. Vol. 3. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc. 
  • Veronika Abbasová, Iuliia Koreshkova, Lenka Vyleťalová, eds. 2025 [in preparation]. Framing, Interpretation, and Misinterpretation: Examples from Asia and Asian Diasporas [provisional title]. Olomouc Asian Studies. Vol. 4. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc. 

Submission and selection procedure

Authors wishing to have their manuscripts published in the OLAS series are required to first submit the Proposal Submission Form electronically (available for download here). 

The Editorial Board will evaluate the proposal and notify the authors of its decision within three months (unless specified otherwise).

Invited manuscripts are submitted to double blind peer review by at least two experts (at least one of the reviewers is external to Palacký University Olomouc). In case of invited manuscripts of edited volumes (including conference proceedings), the editors are responsible for securing at least two positive double blind peer reviews for each text included in the volume.

Current call

The Call for Chapters to be included in Vol. 4 of OLAS is available here. The volume will be published as an Open Access (with each chapter getting its own DOI) and Print on Demand publication. There are no publication fees. 

Contact details

  • E-mail: olas(at)upol.cz
  • Postal address:
    • Katedra asijských studií FF UP (OLAS)
    • tř. Svobody 26
    • 779 00 Olomouc
    • Czech Republic

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