Bc. Martin Lavička, M.A., Ph.D.

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Filozofická fakulta

tř. Svobody 26


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Martin Lavička received his bachelor’s degree in Chinese and Japanese philology at Palacký University Olomouc, the Czech Republic, master’s degree in International Relations at National Chengchi University in Taiwan, and Ph.D. in Political Science at Palacký University Olomouc. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, where he teaches modern Chinese history, Taiwan history, and Chinese politics. His research focuses on the socio-legal aspects of China’s ethnic policies, religious freedoms, and the rule of law.

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Weekdays 09:00–17:00 Dlouhodobě mimo ČR. Kontaktujte mě prosím e-mailem. Please contact me via my e-mail.

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Člen AS fakulty (19. 4. 2017 – 10. 3. 2023)

Vědecká společnost

  • Association for Asian Studies (člen, 2024–)
  • European Association of Taiwan Studies (člen, 2020–)

Výbor vědecké společnosti

  • European Association for Chinese Studies (místopředseda, 2020–2022)
  • European Association for Chinese Studies (člen, 2018–2024)
Lavička M., Chen Y. New Measures for Governing Religions in Xi’s China. China Report. 2023.
Jiménez-Tovar S., Lavička M. Folklorized politics: how Chinese soft power works in Central Asia. Asian Ethnicity. 2020.
Lavička M. Průvod šašků. Nový Orient. 2017.
Lavička M., Kučera O. Srpen 1968 a překvapivá (?) čínská reakce. Nový Orient. 2016.
Kovaľová J., Lavička M., Matoušková L., Motalová T., Vicherová Schusterová D., Szokalová K. Výzkum převodu zahraničních proprií do čínštiny. Nový Orient. 2016.
Zawiszová H., Lavička M. Voiced and Voiceless in Asia. 2023.
Bakešová I., Kučera O., Lavička M. Dějiny Čínské lidové republiky. 2019.
UHER D., KUČERA O., Jebavá M., Babáčková E., Lavička M., Dluhošová T. Moderní čínština pro nesinology. 2011.
Lavička M. Opium of the People? Religious Politics in the Xi Jinping Era. China under Xi Jinping: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. 2024.
Zawiszová H., Lavička M. Introduction: In Voice is Power. Voiced and Voiceless in Asia. 2023.
Lavička M. Uyghur Community Matters in Light of Governmental White Papers. Community Still Matters: Uyghur Culture and Society in Central Asian Context. 2022.
Zawiszová H., Strafella G., Koreshkova I., Janda P., Lavička M., Brzobohatý J. The 18th Annual Conference on Asian Studies: Asian Temporalities: Chronologies, Seasons, Tenses. 2024.
Zawiszová H., Lavička M., Kratochvíl F. 14th Annual Conference on Asian Studies: Voiced and Voiceless in Asia. 2020.
Lavička M., Rysová M., Zahradníková M. The 8th Annual Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. 2014.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
BA thesis seminar 2 DAS/BC2 ZS Se 0
BA thesis seminar 3 DAS/BC3 LS Se 0
MA thesis seminar 2 DAS/DS2 ZS Se 0

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