Dr. Natalia Ryzhova

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Katedra asijských studií

Filozofická fakulta

tř. Svobody 26


Odborný asistent

Selected publications
Ryzhova N., Ivanov S. Post-Soviet agrarian transformations in the Russian far east. does china matter? EURASIAN GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS. 2023. (ČLÁNEK)
Ryzhova N. The Failure of the “Soybean Revolution” in the USSR. Ab Imperio-Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Ryzhova N. The Advanced Special Economic Zones: over-politicized anti-politics machine. In Beuerle B., Dahlke S., Renner A. (Eds.) Russia’s North Pacific. Centres and Peripheries. 2023.
Ryzhova N., Koreshkova I. WeChat as migration infrastructure: the case of Chinese-Russian precarious labour markets. WeChat and the Chinese Diaspora. Digital Transnationalism in the Era of China's Rise. 2022.
Ryzhova N., Horie N., Wada N., Sharmin S. Land Use in the Russian Eastern Borderlands. 2021.
Ryzhova N., Motalová T. Chinese Agriculture Abroad. 2019.
Ryzhova N., Finke P., Alff H., Langthaler E. Monocropping in post-socialist countries: Building up capacities for the research (MonoCrop). European Commission (Horizon Europe Framework Programme; twinning). 2023.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
MA thesis seminar 2 DAS/DS2 ZS Se 0
Specialized Seminar/Workshop 2 KDV/92A2W ZS Se 4
Specialized Seminar/Workshop 3 KDV/92A3W LS Se 2
Economies and Development in Asia DAS/EDA ZS 1
Economies and Development in Asia DAS/EDA ZS Se 1
Environmental Challenges in Asia and the World DAS/ECA ZS Se 1
Environmental Challenges in Asia and the World DAS/ECA ZS 1
Economies and societies in Central Asia DAS/ESCA LS Se 2
Social anthropology and Asia DAS/SAA LS Se 2
Doing business in Asia DAS/DBA LS Se 2

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