Project: reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002297 Asian Studies: Supporting young talents (ASIA(N)EXT)
Period: 1. 10. 2017 - 30. 9. 2022
Head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera
Title: Interpersonal Communication between Czechs and Taiwanese in the Context of Second Language Teaching
Period: 1 December 2024 - 30 November 2025
Main investigators: at UP Mgr. Michaela Zahradníková Ph.D., Yixuan Jandová Chen, MA
The project, funded by the Taiwan-Czech Inter-University Alliance (UAAT-ICU) from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan), is one of the sub-projects of the integrated project The Dynamics of East-West Civilizational Interactions. The project aims to explore the complexities of intercultural communication, use surveys to collect data on participants' perceptions of different cultures, and provide in-depth qualitative insights into interpersonal interactions and cultural differences through ethnographic studies. The aim of the research is to uncover factors that promote or hinder effective intercultural interaction and thus inform appropriate practices for future Chinese language teacher internships abroad. Due to the growing interest of Czech students in studying abroad and the increasing number of Taiwanese students on internships in the Czech Republic, the project aims to provide the necessary support for teacher trainees, offer practical information for Taiwanese exchange students in the Czech Republic through workshops and a professional publication. The project is implemented in cooperation with academics from National Taiwan Normal University and National Cheng Chi University.
KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Period: 1. 12. 2023 – 30. 11. 2026
Head of the project: Mgr. Michaela Zahradníková, Ph.D.
The project aims at increasing the quality of Chinese language education by sharing know-how and addressing the common need for comprehensible digital learning materials by developing digital Chinese Grammar Platform (ChinGram). The Platform would provide grammatical description, interactive exercises, and teacher support resources to 140 grammatical points in 6 EU languages (English, German, Danish, Czech, Italian and Polish). The project will strongly support transnational cooperation and joint research in the field of Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language. The multilingual learning platform will reflect both commonalities and differences between European languages and Chinese, based on the rich experience of Chinese language teachers of linguistically diverse learners. Projekt is based on a partnership of 5 European Universities. Palacky University Olomouc is the main coordinator of the project. Other partners are Aarhus University in Denmark, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, and University of Naples L'Orientale in Italy.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Development Programme, project no. 177, programme 4, Development and innovation of study programmes at the Palacký University in Olomouc, 01/2007 - 12/2007
Sub-program: realizing the full benefits of structured study programmes including the involvement of professionals and employers from the field to create and innovate study programmes.
Project name: Chinese for Business and Commerce – 3 year bachelor’s study programme
Project name: Japanese for Business and Commerce – 3 year bachelor’s study programme
Project: č. IE001-U-03, Culture, Daily Life and Institutions in Late Imperial China (Kultura, každodenní život a instituce v Číně v období pozdního císařství)
Project period: 07/2004 - 06/2007
Financial gift to the Czech Republic to support a two semester course aimed at Taiwan in the 20th century (2004 – 2011)
Period: 2004–2011
The National Museum of Taiwan Literature financed the publishing of the book The Taste of Apples: modern Taiwanese stories (Praha: Brody, 2006)
To develop the field of Koreanology at the PhF UP; the presence of Mr. Mgr. Park Mi-Young, Ph.D. at UP is secured and financed by this grant.
Project: Supply of language laboratory and audio-visual equipment to the Palacký University (Vybavení jazykové laboratoře a audiovizuální vybavení pro Univerzitu Palackého v Olomouci)
Project period: 2004