
Taiwan-Czech University Alliance (UAAT- ICU) - Humanities

Interpersonal Communication between Czechs and Taiwanese in the Context of Second Language Teaching

Title: Interpersonal Communication between Czechs and Taiwanese in the Context of Second Language Teaching
Period: 1 December 2024 - 30 November 2025
Main investigators: at UP Mgr. Michaela Zahradníková Ph.D., Yixuan Jandová Chen, MA

The project, funded by the Taiwan-Czech Inter-University Alliance (UAAT-ICU) from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan), is one of the sub-projects of the integrated project The Dynamics of East-West Civilizational Interactions. The project aims to explore the complexities of intercultural communication, use surveys to collect data on participants' perceptions of different cultures, and provide in-depth qualitative insights into interpersonal interactions and cultural differences through ethnographic studies. The aim of the research is to uncover factors that promote or hinder effective intercultural interaction and thus inform appropriate practices for future Chinese language teacher internships abroad. Due to the growing interest of Czech students in studying abroad and the increasing number of Taiwanese students on internships in the Czech Republic, the project aims to provide the necessary support for teacher trainees, offer practical information for Taiwanese exchange students in the Czech Republic through workshops and a professional publication. The project is implemented in cooperation with academics from National Taiwan Normal University and National Cheng Chi University.


Chinese Grammar Platform (2023-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000157248)

KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Period: 1. 12. 2023 – 30. 11. 2026
Head of the project: Mgr. Michaela Zahradníková, Ph.D.

The project aims at increasing the quality of Chinese language education by sharing know-how and addressing the common need for comprehensible digital learning materials by developing digital Chinese Grammar Platform (ChinGram). The Platform would provide grammatical description, interactive exercises, and teacher support resources to 140 grammatical points in 6 EU languages (English, German, Danish, Czech, Italian and Polish). The project will strongly support transnational cooperation and joint research in the field of Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language. The multilingual learning platform will reflect both commonalities and differences between European languages and Chinese, based on the rich experience of Chinese language teachers of linguistically diverse learners. Projekt is based on a partnership of 5 European Universities. Palacky University Olomouc is the main coordinator of the project. Other partners are  Aarhus University in Denmark, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, and University of Naples L'Orientale in Italy.


Project: Chinese Language at Grammar Schools and Secondary Schools (project no. TL02000557)

Period: 01/2019-12-2021

Head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera, Ph.D.

The project addresses effective implementation of Chinese language teaching at secondary schools and grammar schools. The project will prepare all relevant materials needed for teaching both on the students' side and on the part of the teachers. The key innovation will be to create and link m-learning support in the form of an app for students and to create a web application for teachers. These technological innovations will effectively address teaching of Chinese in the Czech environment at secondary schools. Chinese education will meet the demand for both economic challenges (China-based labor market preparation) and social (preparation for communication with Chinese people) as well as cultural challenges (gradual penetration through language and complementary materials for understanding of Chinese culture).

Sinophone Borderlands – Interaction at the Edges

Project: Sinophone Borderlands – Interaction at the Edges (reg. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000791)

Period: 1. 7. 2018 – 30. 6. 2023

Head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera, Ph.D.

The “SINOFON” project explores how the Sinophone world interacts with the Turco-Persophone, Slavophone, Tibetophone, Hispanophone and Austroasiatophone worlds. The research team consist of senior and junior researchers from various disciplines in the fields of the humanities, social sciences and political science whose qualifications go beyond the average. This allows for a cross-disciplinary dialogue and cross-cultural comparisons which will push the current discussion on the Sinophone world beyond the current limited disciplinary and national frameworks. We will present the research results at conferences, and in books and papers. The project has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund. The whole project is administered and coordinated by the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, and co-financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic.


Project: Consolidation of Korean Studies at Palacký University through international cooperation, academic research, research based teaching and involvement of students (AKS-2017-INC-2220002)

Period: 12/2017–06/2020

Head of the project: Dr. Andreas Schirmer


Seed Olomouc is a project funded by the Korean Studies Promotion Service (Academy of Korean Studies). Korean studies at Palacký University Olomouc received a “seed” grant in December 2017 and are looking forward to enjoy this support until mid of 2020. The project strives to boost the development of Korean studies at Palacký University Olomouc as a strong constituent of the university’s Department of Asian Studies. Korean studies in Olomouc already hold a strong appeal, but improvements resulting from the project shall enhance the program’s attractivity even more. The various formats (carousel lecture, summer school, and activity contest) are supposed to make their impact felt.

Asian Studies: Supporting young talents

Project: reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002297 Asian Studies: Supporting young talents (ASIA(N)EXT)

Period: 1. 10. 2017 - 30. 9. 2022

Head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera

The Department of Asian Studies aims to develop a new regional approach to Asian studies by overcoming the traditional fragmentations into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese etc. Studies into a broader approach that overcomes national boundaries and takes the entanglements, mutual influences of the sub-regions of Asia into focus. In the PhD program, students will be able to create their own research topics along with the teachers (professors, postdocs) at the Department of Asian Studies, and the collaborating teachers in our international cooperation network. PhD students will be provided with a studium generale based on Area Studies in Asia and on various disciplines (contemporary history – oral history, linguistics, cultural studies, literature, social anthropology, political science) and on various languages that are spoken Asian areas. The best Ph.D. student will be offered an internship in partner institutions. 

Grant Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation č. RG002-U-14

Project name: Central Asian Perspective on the Rise of China

Project period: 07/2015 - 06/2018

Head of the project: Dr. Yu-Wen CHEN

Budget: 61 700 EUR

This project explores the Central Asian perspectives on the rise of China. Since the new post-Soviet states emerged in Central Asia in 1991, China has been seeking to foster relations with these new states diplomatically, politically, and economically. At the juncture of nearly two decades of interaction, analysts have observed China’s increasing engagement with Central Asia by incorporating it into its broader strategic game. While most of China’s initiatives in Central Asia appear to be based on goodwill and show an intention to peacefully and cooperatively integrate its neighbors into joint economic prosperity, there are nevertheless various concerns about the implications of China’s rising influence in this region. This project uses surveys to explore Central Asian perspectives on China. It is a collaborative project with Dr. Olaf Guenther and Dr. Soledad Tovar based at Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic. 

Development Fund of Palacký University (FRUP)

  • Mgr. Blanka Ferklová, Ph.D. - Zajištění a příprava výukových materiálů předmětu Korejština pro cestovní ruch (FRUP_2019_027)
  • Mgr. Sylva Martinásková, Ph.D. - Inovace předmětu Klasická japonská literatura (FRUP_2019_045)
  • Mgr. Vít Ulman - Inovace předmětu Vybrané kapitoly dějin kulturních vztahů ve východní Asii (FRUP_2019_053)
  • František Kratochvíl, M.A., Ph.D. - Metodologie popisu jazyka (FRUP_2018_021)
  • Joanna Ut-Seong Sio, M.A., Ph.D. - Inovace kurzu English Language 2 KAA/AJC2 (FRUP_2018_073)
  • Mgr. Mária Strašáková, Ph.D. - Inovace předmětů zaměřených na výuku vietnamštiny a reálií Vietnamu (FRUP_2018_041)
  • Mgr. Ondřej Pokorný, Ph.D. - Zkvalitnění výuky oboru Indonéská studia se zaměřením na cestovní ruch (FRUP_2017_047)
  • Martin Šturdík, M.A. - Vytvoření předmětu Hospodářský zeměpis Koreje a inovace předmětu Konverzace 1, 2, 3 a 4 (FRUP_2016_046)
  • Mgr. Ondřej Kučera - Multimediální výuková laboratoř asijských studií (AsiaLab) (FRUP_2014_2_068)

Fund to Support Scientific Activities (FPVČ)

  • 2018 | head of the project: František Kratochvíl, MA, Ph.D.: Gramatikalizace ukazovacích zájmen v jazyce Abui
  • 2017 | head of the project: Mgr. Slaměníková Tereza, Ph.D., doc. Mgr. Uher David, Ph.D.: Svět v sinogramech
  • 2016 | head of the project: Mgr. Mária Strašáková, Ph.D. - Modernizace vietnamské literatury za francouzské koloniální nadvlády (1862-1945)
  • 2015 | head of the project: Mgr. Sylva Martinásková, Ph.D. - Modernizace Japonska zachycená v tradiční poezii tanka a haiku
  • 2013 | head of the project: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D. - Japonský zdvořilostní systém keigo z pohledu japonské jazykovědy
  • 2012 | head of the project: Mgr. David Uher, Ph.D. - Prozodická gramatika moderní hovorové čínštiny

Education Funding - Ministry of Education

  • 2017 | head of the project: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Lach, Ph.D., M.A. - Podpora malých strategicky významných oborů na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
  • 2016 | head of the project: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Lach, Ph.D., M.A. - Podpora malých strategicky významných oborů na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
  • 2015 | head of the project: doc. PhDr. Jiří Lach, Ph.D., M.A. - Projekt podpory malých strategicky významných oborů na FF UK, FF MU a FF UP

Student Grant Projects (IGA)

  • 2019 | head of the project: Mgr. Sylva Martinásková, Ph.D. - Kulturní a hospodářské postavení severního Kjúšú v kontextu východní Asie v 1. tisíciletí n. l. (IGA_FF_2019_033) 
  • 2019 | head of the project: František Kratochvíl, MA, Ph.D. - Mapování komplexity jazyků východní a jihovýchodní Asie (IGA_FF_2019_035) 
  • 2018 | head of the project: František Kratochvíl, MA, Ph.D. - Interkulturní komunikace a proměnlivost komunikačních norem ve společnostech východní a jihovýchodní Asie (IGA_FF_2018_024) 
  • 2017 | head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera - Vnímání Asie skrze její kulturní artefakty (IGA_FF_2017_018)
  • 2016 | head of the project: Mgr. Kamila Hladíková, Ph.D. - Poznávání východoasijských společností a kultur na základě jazyka a literatury (IGA_FF_2016_024)
  • 2015 | head of the project: Bc. Martin Lavička, M.A. - Interpretace kom. prostředků v jazycích východní Asie na základě primární pramenů (IGA_FF_2015_037)
  • 2013
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D. - Heterogennost v přepisu japonštiny do češtiny: analýza problematických jevů a návrh možného řešení
    • head of the project: Mgr. Tereza Slaměníková - Ideogramy v současné podobě čínského znakového písma
  • 2012
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D. - Sémantika japonských osobních jmen
    • head of the project: Mgr. Bc. Jarmila Fiurášková - Statistická frekvenční analýza IT terminologie v evropských a asijských jazycích
    • head of the project: Mgr. Tereza Slaměníková - Grammalogická analýza nejfrekventovanějších čínských znaků
    • head of the project: Mgr. Pavla Slavíčková, Ph.D. - Typologie a vývoj účetních soustav používaných na území českého státu před rokem 1989
  • 2011
    • head of the project: Mgr. David Uher, Ph.D. - Rytmické členění vět a jejich prozodický přepis v moderní hovorové čínštině
    • head of the project: Mgr. Tereza Slaměníková - Učební slovník čínských znaků (prototyp)
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D. - Současná hovorová řeč mladých Japonců
  • 2010 
    • head of the project: Mgr. David Uher, Ph.D. - Sinojaponské "čtení" fonogramů v Původu znaků
    • head of the project: Mgr. David Uher, Ph.D. - Prosodická transkripce Učebnice čínské konverzace
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera – Korpus hovorové čínštiny



Palacký University Endowment Fund

  • 2015 | head of the project: Bc. Vlastimil Dobečka - Creation of Chinese-Czech and Czech-Chinese Electrotechnical Dictionary

Higher Education Development Fund

  • 2013
    • head of the project: Mgr. Tereza Slaměníková - Inovace předmětu Fonetika čínštiny
    • head of the project: Mgr. Bc. Jarmila Fiurášková - Příprava a zavedení předmětů Vietnamština 1 a 2
  • 2012
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D. - Vytvoření předmětu Etiketa komunikace s Japonci
    • head of the project: Mgr. Sylva Martinásková - Vytvoření nového předmětu Překladatelský seminář - současná japonská próza
    • head of the project: Mgr. Tereza Slaměníková - Inovace předmětu Obchodní čínština
    • head of the project: Mgr. Bc. Jarmila Fiurášková - Příprava a zavedení předmětu Elektronické informační zdroje se zaměřením na asijská studia
  • 2011
    • head of the project: Mgr. David Uher, Ph.D. - Inovace předmětů Audioorální cvičení 3, 4
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D. - Inovace předmětu Současná japonská společnost
  • 2010
    • head of the project: Mgr. David Uher, Ph.D. - Inovace předmětu Náslechová cvičení
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera - Inovace počítačové učebny pro výuku asijských jazyků a ekonomie
    • head of the project: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera - Inovace předmětu Geografie Číny


Project: reg. č. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0152 Forging a scientific team and international networking in the field of Chinese studies (Project abbreviation: CHINET)

Coordinator: The Department of Asian Studies PhF UP

Project period: 17. 4. 2013 - 30. 9. 2015

Our project “Forging a scientific team and international networking in the field of Chinese Studies” in short “CHINET,” is financed by the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic, under the reg. nr. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0152. The whole project is administered and coordinated by the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic.

CHINET focuses on establishing a large interdisciplinary research team in the area of Chinese Studies in the Czech Republic.

Our team focuses on eight key domains of academic research, each of them supervised by experienced scholar.

Our research areas include:

Each of our research groups focuses on specific topic, which reflects current global trends in the field of Chinese Studies. Each group is supervised by chief editor, who is in charge of submissions’ quality and their academic relevance. The main endeavor of CHINET is not only to facilitate complex developments in Chinese Studies in the Czech Republic, but also to enable participation in research activities in this field on Pan-European and global level. Our project facilitates academic exchanges not only for experienced scholars, but also students at the beginning of their academic careers. Study visits and participation at international conferences and workshops, which our project also supports, enables participants to broaden their knowledge and to make important contacts in their field of interest within the area of Chinese Studies.

Japanese Studies

Project: reg. č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0160 Japanese Studies for the Palacký University in Olomouc with a focus on modularity and employability

Project manager: Mgr. Ivona Barešová, Ph.D.

Project period: 1. 3. 2012 - 28. 2. 2015

The aim of the project is to innovate the field of Japanese Studies, in order to improve the graduate’s profile, facilitate transitioning into practice and enhance employability.  The project will develop and pilot a foreign language teaching module catered towards business and commerce, which will include language training together with professionally oriented social, economic and culturally-historic subjects required for international commerce, and which could be methodologically applied to existing or other newly created subjects focused on business and commerce.

The project will focus on the innovation of Japanese Studies by utilizing the following methods:

  1. Improving the availability of study materials and its sources
  2. Improving study skills (e.g. use of multimedia, e-learning procedures, etc.)
  3. Innovation of 8 subjects (from these 2 at the level of I-VI) at the Palacký University in Olomouc and 1 subject at the Masaryk University in Brno, and also the introduction of 7 new subjects at Palacký University and 3 at Masaryk University.

The project includes the computerization and centralization of study materials.  Students of the following fields will be targeted at Palacký University: Japanese for Business & Commerce, and Japanese Philology.  A portion of the subjects will be also be innovated and taught at the partner site Masaryk University in Brno.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and by the state budget of Czech Republic, under the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme.

The Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme focuses on furthering the education of the inhabitants of Czech Republic by modernizing and integrating initial, tertiary and further educational systems into a comprehensive and lifelong system of learning and the creation of an appropriate environment for research, development and innovative activities.  Funding for this programme has been drawn from the European Social Fund during the programming period 2007 to 2013.   

Chinese for Employability

Project: reg. č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0289 Innovation of the Chinese Philology programme at Palacký University in Olomouc with a focus on employability of graduates

Coordinator: Department of Asian Studies UP

Project period: 1. 11. 2010 - 30. 9. 2013

This project’s aim is to innovate the Chinese Philology study programme at Palacký University in Olomouc with the following objectives:

  1. To improve the accessibility of learning materials;
  2. To implement and elaborate e-learning practices in the teaching process;
  3. To innovate the content of the study programme with the aim of improving graduates’ academic and occupational skills, thereby increasing their employability in the regional job market, particularly in the commercial and educational sectors.


The project will involve the establishment of a study portal, computerization of study materials and sources of information, the innovation of 6 core subjects (Conversation, Reading, Introduction to Chinese Studies, Chinese Literature, Geography of China, History of China), the introduction of 7 new subjects (Chinese Literature in Film, Introduction to the Study of Chinese Thought, Economic Geography of China, Knowledge Management in a Multicultural Environment with a Focus on China, Identity in the Chinese Cultural Sphere, Chinese Education, and Practical Experience in the Commercial Sphere) together with the innovation of the 3 electives (Chinese Semiotics, Contemporary Taiwan and IT for Chinese Studies). Sustainable outcomes for the project are to create a fully functional Portal of Chinese Studies which will continue to operate after the project’s completion, the use of innovative learning materials and methods, and in particular the continuation of education in subjects recently innovated or newly created. The project’s target group will include students of Chinese Philology at UP.  A portion of the subjects will also be innovated at the partner site Masaryk University in Brno.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and by the state budget of Czech Republic, under the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme.


The Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme focuses on furthering the education of the inhabitants of Czech Republic by modernizing and integrating initial, tertiary and further educational systems into a comprehensive and lifelong system of learning and the creation of an appropriate environment for research, development and innovative activities.  Funding for this programme has been drawn from the European Social Fund during the programming period 2007 to 2013.  

Religious Studies Programme Innovation at Masaryk University with Special Regards to the Culture of China and Japan

Project: Religious Studies Programme Innovation at Masaryk University with Special Regards to the Culture of China and Japan, registration number CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0032

Project period: (1. 6. 2009 - 30. 5. 2012) 

partnered project with financial contributions

The project “Religious Studies Programme Innovation at Masaryk University with Special Regards to the Culture of China and Japan began in June 2009 at the Institute of Religious Studies PhF MU.  The main objective of the project is the innovation of existing courses and the preparation and establishment of new courses; this includes the development of new study materials that deal with religious concepts in the broader cultural context of China and Japan, and the teaching of both their languages (classical Chinese, modern Chinese and Japanese).

The project at the Institute of Religious Studies at Masaryk University in Brno, has been designed in collaboration with the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc, where some of the courses are also taking place.  This partnership also shares the development of study materials for the following language courses: Chinese for Beginners I, II (publication of Modern Chinese for the non-Sinologist downloadable in pdf format + recording in mp3) and Chinese – Text Reading I, II (link to Chinese text reading app is available here).

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Development Programme

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Development Programme, project no. 177, programme 4, Development and innovation of study programmes at the Palacký University in Olomouc, 01/2007 - 12/2007

Sub-program: realizing the full benefits of structured study programmes including the involvement of professionals and employers from the field to create and innovate study programmes.

Project name: Chinese for Business and Commerce – 3 year bachelor’s study programme

Project name: Japanese for Business and Commerce – 3 year bachelor’s study programme

Grant Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation

Project: č. IE001-U-03, Culture, Daily Life and Institutions in Late Imperial China (Kultura, každodenní život a instituce v Číně v období pozdního císařství)

Project period: 07/2004 - 06/2007

Financial gift from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO)

Financial gift to the Czech Republic to support a two semester course aimed at Taiwan in the 20th century (2004 – 2011)

Period: 2004–2011

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

The National Museum of Taiwan Literature financed the publishing of the book The Taste of Apples: modern Taiwanese stories (Praha: Brody, 2006)

Korean Foundation Grant

To develop the field of Koreanology at the PhF UP; the presence of Mr. Mgr. Park Mi-Young, Ph.D. at UP is secured and financed by this grant.

Cultural Grant Aid of Japan

Project: Supply of language laboratory and audio-visual equipment to the Palacký University (Vybavení jazykové laboratoře a audiovizuální vybavení pro Univerzitu Palackého v Olomouci)

Project period: 2004

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