Mgr. Halina Zawiszová, Ph.D.

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Filozofická fakulta

tř. Svobody 26


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contemporary Japanese language; language and emotion; affective stance display; Conversation Analysis; Interactional Linguistics; Sociolinguistics

Zawiszová H. Mapping Japanese Young People’s Beliefs about Their Emotional Display in Interaction with Friends and Acquaintances. In Głuch D., Duc-Harada P., Sonoyama S. (Eds.) Japanese Civilization: Tokens and Manifestations. 2019.
Barešová I., Zawiszová H. Creativity and Innovation in Word Formation by Japanese Young People. In Emonds J., Janebová M. (Eds.) Language Use and Linguistic Structure: Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2013. 2014.
Zawiszová H., Lavička M. Introduction: In Voice is Power. Voiced and Voiceless in Asia. 2023.
Nekula M., Sherman T., Zawiszová H. Exploring interests and power in language management. Interests and Power in Language Management. 2022.
Zawiszová H. 前向きな変化としてパンデミック中の日本語教育. ことばと社会 パンデミックの社会言語学. 2021.
Zawiszová H. Word formation in Japanese. 2022.
Zawiszová H. Humor in Interaction. 2021.
Zawiszová H. The historical position of Language Management Theory. In Fairbrother L., Nekvapil J., Sloboda M. (Eds.) The Language Management Approach: A Focus on Research Methodology. 2018.

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