Naše partnerská univerzita Aichi Shukutoku University nabízí možnost zapojit se do neformálního online-setkání studentů. Podrobnosti – viz níže.
Zájemci nechť do 1. 4. 2021 informují Mgr. T. Kalouskovou ( a v kopii dr. Martináskovou (
ASU - Online International Meetup with partner universities
1. Title: Online International Meetup
2. Purpose: To give students an opportunity to interact internationally through conversation between your students and our students on online meeting app.
3. Language: English
4. Date: One day From mid-May to late June 2021
5. Time: 60min. in the Morning in European standard time and Evening in Japanese time (TBD)
6. Number of participants: 5-15 students per University (approx. 20 students altogether)
7. Outline: After short orientation in entire group, making conversation in divided small groups.
8. Number of one group: 1-2 your student(s) and 1-2 our student(s), 3-4 students altogether.
9. Contents of conversation: Facilitator (one of our students) in a group will suggest the topics beforehand by email. All students will prepare for the each topics (prepare for the pictures ets.)
ex. Tourist spot, Gourmet in your place/ what the students want to do if they come to Japan/How to spend free time/ future dreams/students daily life in your countries.
10. Others: One of our students in a group will facilitate the meetup.