1. MOST Global Talent Internship Program
The MOST Global Talent Internship Program is an 8-week long paid internship program organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology Center for Global Affairs and Science Engagement, Taiwan (MOST GASE). The program is designed for international students to gain practical experiences at top laboratories and corporations in Taiwan during the Summer (28 June- 25 August). The topic for this year's MOST GTI Program is focused on "Green Tech (Sustainability) and Bio Tech (Smart Healthcare). Hosting organizations include National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs), Carrefour, EnBW, Signofy, STMicroelectronics, TÜV Rheinland, wpd, and 24 leading Taiwanese universities, to name a few. In addition to the internship portion, the program also features expert lectures, corporate visits, Mandarin courses, and other cultural activities. For more information about the program, you can refer to the website: https://gasesummer.most.ntu.edu.tw/. Should you have any further questions or suggestions about the program, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Lisa Hou, program coordinator (at gaselisahou@ntu.edu.tw or +886 2 3366 2121 Ext. 118) at any time. Deadline March 26th.
2. NARLabs v současné době nabízejí i zajímavé stáže, na které rovněž poskytují stipendium. Více podrobností na https://www.narlabs.org.tw/en/xmdoc/cont?xsmsid=0I160457997407279810&sid=0L012763880203403900.
Případní vybraní uchazeči z řad studentů UP studenti mohou požádat o stipendium v rámci Stipendijního programu UP na dofinancování nákladů se stáží spojených.