Sogang International Summer Program

Středa 24. únor 2021, 9:12

We are excited to share with you information on SISP (Sogang International Summer Program) 2021, which will be completely on an online platform this year.

Please feel free to forward this information with your students and relevant academic units.

Applications to the SISP 2021 will be open from Feb 22nd to May 14th.

The Program Period will be from Jun 28th to Jul 16th (3 weeks)

Also please note that SISP this year will be on a package basis where students can choose between two package programs, “K-culture Insight” and “Korea Inside Out”, both of which are in conjunction with a Korean language course offered by the renowned Sogang Korean Language Education Center.

Each package is worth 6 credits.


Students from partner universities can enroll with discount rate.


Students can transfer the course credits back to their home university, subject to the regulations of their home university.
For more information, please visit our website and contact us at


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